


MA in Sport and Physical Education/
Master Recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales Appliquées aux APS

Period 2016-2018
Gender and Education: in Humanities and Social Sciences applied to PSA (Physical and Sports Activities); (see the course syllabus)
Sport and Vulnerability; (see the course syllabus)
Sport and Gender; (see the course syllabus)
Sport and Social Inclusion. (see the course syllabus)
Gender, management and entrepreneurship in sports organizations
Gender and collectives sports

Period 2018-2021
Policies of Sport Development; (see the course syllabus)
Diversité et complexité de l’objet “Sport”: Genre et Diversité
Sport et Genre
APS et Vulnérabilité

MA in Sport and Physical Education/
Master Recherche en Didactiques des APS

Period 2018-2021
Histoire et épistémologie de l’EPS: Le Genre à l’épreuve EPS, (see the course syllabus)
EPS, Sport et Genre (see the course syllabus)



MA program
(new situation)
(new situation)

MA in Political Sciences

2 new courses in MA Political Sciences:
Citizenship and Gender; (see the course syllabus)
Local Governance and Gender; (see the course syllabus)
Gender and citizenship in transition period in Tunisia. (see the course syllabus)

MA in Design Arts/Plastic Arts

3 new courses in MA Design Arts/Plastic Arts:
Gender and Arts of Show; (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Arab-Muslim Civilization; (see the course syllabus)
Contemporary Art and Gender. (see the course syllabus)

MA in Economy

 3 new courses in MA in Economy
Gender and Governance (Genre et Gouvernance); (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Micro-Finance (Genre et Micro-Finance); (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Social Management (Effet de Genre sur le management social); (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Fiscal Equity. (see the course syllabus)
 New MA in Gender Studies

The 1st semester
Woman and Politics  (in Tunisia)
Gender and Corporate Governance (see the course syllabus)
Gender and History I (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Religion (see the course syllabus)
Optional : Theories of Gender/  Gender and Identity (see the course syllabus)

The 2nd semester
Local Governance and Gender (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Fiscal Equity (see the course syllabus)
Gender and History II (see the course syllabus)
Gender in Social-Economic Aspects (see the course syllabus)
Optional: Gender, Art and Literature (see the course syllabus) /  Contemporary Art and Gender (see the course syllabus)

The 3rd semester
Gender and Human Rights (see the course syllabus)
Gender in Law and Social Policy (see the course syllabus)
Methods of Social Sciences and Gender (see the course syllabus)
Gender and Economic and Budget Planning
Optional: Gender, Culture and the Code of Personal Status (see the course syllabus) / Gender and Marginalities

The 4th semester
Master Thesis